Fisioterapia e Neurocognitiva Metodo Perfetti a Roma Eur

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FISSO + 39 06 73000284

MOBILE + 39 329 8930416

MOBILE + 39 351 8536435


Scopri dove siamo, gli orari e come raggiungerci. Abbiamo parcheggi riservati per la tua comodità.


Viale del Tintoretto n. 292 Roma


Lun-Sab 9-20 Domenica solo Urgenze 9-20

Come raggiungerci

black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Fisioterapia Professionale a Roma EUR

Servizi di fisioterapia e neurocognitiva in Sede e Domiciliare

Fisioterapia Generale Anche a Domicilio

Trattamenti personalizzati per il tuo benessere.

Neurocognitiva Avanzata Metodo Perfetti

Supporto per disturbi cognitivi e motori.

Riabilitazione Sportiva
Recupero rapido per atleti e sportivi.

Fisioterapia Roma EUR : Chi Siamo

Siamo una società specializzata in fisioterapia a Roma, operando principalmente nella zona EUR e offrendo servizi in tutta la città, inclusa la fisioterapia neurocognitiva.



Esperti in Fisioterapia

Cura e Professionalità

Servizi Fisioterapia

Offriamo trattamenti di fisioterapia e neurocognitiva a Roma, con professionalità e attenzione al paziente.

Due fisioterapiste che accudiscono una donna anziana
Due fisioterapiste che accudiscono una donna anziana
Fisioterapia Generale

Trattamenti personalizzati per recupero motorio e benessere fisico, disponibili in tutta la città di Roma.


Supporto specializzato per disturbi neurocognitivi, con approcci innovativi e tecniche mirate per ogni paziente.


Scopri i nostri servizi di fisioterapia e neurocognitiva a Roma.

A person is standing on a grassy field wearing a red cap and a dark green hoodie with 'Universita Roma' printed on it. There is a group of people in the background, suggesting a social or recreational setting. The scene is outdoors, with a hilly, green landscape behind a chain-link fence.
A person is standing on a grassy field wearing a red cap and a dark green hoodie with 'Universita Roma' printed on it. There is a group of people in the background, suggesting a social or recreational setting. The scene is outdoors, with a hilly, green landscape behind a chain-link fence.
Hands are applying gentle pressure on a person's back, indicating a massage or physical therapy session. The person is lying down and wearing a gray garment.
Hands are applying gentle pressure on a person's back, indicating a massage or physical therapy session. The person is lying down and wearing a gray garment.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.
A professional consultation setting with a medical professional sitting at a desk facing a client. The room has a modern aesthetic with white walls decorated with framed certificates. The desk is organized with office supplies, a laptop, and a fruit bowl in the center.

Servizio eccellente! Fisioterapisti professionali e competenti, mi hanno aiutato a recuperare rapidamente.

Roberta Biagi

A woman with glasses is performing a treatment or examination on a person lying down on a table in an office setting. The person on the table is wearing a mask and appears to be receiving some form of therapy. The room is neutral in color with vertical blinds covering a window, and there is a small fan on the floor.
A woman with glasses is performing a treatment or examination on a person lying down on a table in an office setting. The person on the table is wearing a mask and appears to be receiving some form of therapy. The room is neutral in color with vertical blinds covering a window, and there is a small fan on the floor.
